ABC Reading Eggs Not All It’s Cracked Up to Be…

The ever popular ABC’s Reading Eggs has recently come under fire because of their claims that they teach children how to read. Whilst their engaging, colourful, interactive interface is inviting, the content and literacy outcomes has been called into question.

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3 thoughts on “ABC Reading Eggs Not All It’s Cracked Up to Be…

  1. We had a similar experience with ABC Reading Eggs. It had been recommended to us countless times (for my then 4/5-year old who has speech and language difficulties) but it didn’t teach her anything that she applied outside the app or that ’stuck’. For us, it was a fun game but not an educational resource.

    1. Lauren, thank you for your comment.

      You are not alone! As you say, Reading Eggs provides fun, literacy-centric games for children, but to claim that children learn to read is disingenuous. The outcomes for children’s literacy and learning are dubious.

      Very little can replace explicit, systematic teaching at the point of need of the child.

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