4 Year Old Program (Preprimary)

- Up to 45 mins, or
- Up to 90 mins: 45 mins Reading Club, 15 mins morning tea, then 30 mins Numbers Club.
- Classes run in Hawthorn.
- $35.00+GST per class (45 mins), or
- $50.00+GST per class (90 mins)
- plus a one-off cost for non-complimentary resources ($58.95).
- Identifying and reviewing letter sounds – the most important skill for taking the first steps in reading and spelling.
- Picking out and manipulating sounds in words.
- Blending and segmenting sounds in words, focusing on the initial sound of a word.
- Linking letter sounds with the letter of the alphabet both orally and in writing.
- Reading decodable text readers.
- Exposure to Heart Words.
- Warm-up.
- Circle Time Show & Tell, promoting speaking and listening skills.
- Introducing the new letter of the week, focusing on letter sound games and activities.
- Music and movement, promoting and interacting with the introduced letter sound in a different context.
- Art & Craft, promoting and interacting with the introduced letter sound.
- Handwriting
- Chitter Chatter Chant & Speech Sounds.
- Storytime.
- Goodbye Rhyme.
All Reading Club students receive a complimentary:
- Reading Club bag to bring to class every week.
- workbook in which to keep all your Reading Club work.
- access to the LLLL decodable readers for weekly borrowing.
- copy of laminated Heart Words to practise at home.
- Reading Club white board and whiteboard marker.
Please Note: All 4 Year Old Program students are required to purchase Milo’s Birthday Surprise picture story book ($29.95) and Milo’s Alphabet Games Flashcards ($29.00) if not already purchased in the preceding year (2020 prices).